What is The Solid Proof That the Future of 3D Printing is Here

Just recently, engineers from the US came to develop what can be best described as a very innovative 3D printer that you’d think it belongs to the future. It is capable of printing large objects, even sizes that are comparable to the size of an adult human not in a couple of days but just a few hours only. We can’t help but think that this is bringing us a step closer to the future of manufacturing.  

The study got itself featured in an online science journal website and referred to this 3D printing technology prototype as High-area Rapid Printing or HARP. The technology is said to be having no hard time when it comes to printing hard and durable parts, as well as bouncy, elastic objects. 

There are a handful of 3D printing machines out there in the market and some of them can get alongside or even rival the HARP machine and give it a run for its speed. One downside here is that they are limited to printing only a bed-size object and small parts. And most of the time printing is carried out one at a time, regardless of the size.  

This 3D printing machine is estimated to be around 4 meters in height and is equipped with a print bed that is 0.23 square meters in size.

The printing work is carried out vertically and is powerful enough to handle printing an object that is at a maximum height of 0.46 meters in just 1 hour. This means to say that this piece of printing machine can handle the printing of large parts or even with the addition of small different parts all at once.  

3D Printer Laptop

The printing machine makes use of ultraviolet light in curing out the liquid resins so eventually, they would become hardened objects, which is their intended purpose. This is completely contrasting to laminated structures created by no less than traditional 3D printers. The printed parts they make are mechanically robust, making them ideal for use in airplanes, cars, and dentistry.  

It is normal for a resin-based 3D printer to produce generous amounts of heat while it is running at high speeds. But there is a downside to that and that is it runs the risk of getting your printed parts deformed.  

There is a good workaround to this problem though. Light can be made to the project via a window from below. This will help in solidifying the resin on top of a moving plate. Then, afterward, a nonstick liquid can be put over the window which will help in the removal of heat which is then circulated via a cooling unit.  

In addition, this 3D printing machine has eliminated the need to reduce the resolution when handling and printing large size pieces. What it makes use instead is a high-resolution, light patterning that allows for achieving ready-to-use parts without the need for extensive post-processing. This particular 3D printing machine is projected to hit the market in the next 18 months.